Footnotes and endnotes are "most special". When a document contains footnotes and/or endnotes, a special area is added to the document where the footnotes/endnotes are saved. When you work in the normal view of Word, you can access this area by clicking on Footnotes in the View menu. (When you work in Page layout view, the area is not visible as such because it is integrated in the layout).
In MetaTexis, the footnotes/endnotes area is treated like the main document area, that is, when you translate a footnote, you do not translate the complete footnote, but the footnotes is segmented like the main document area. This is the reason why footnote references cannot simply be copied from the source segment to the translation box when you encounter a segment which contains a reference to a footnote. For if you simply copied them to the translation box, you might get confused, because when you enter the footnotes area, it would not be clear which footnote you have to translate.
For this reason, MetaTexis includes a special function called Take over footnote/endnote, which moves the first footnote available in the source segment to the translation box and adds a special reference to the footnote in the source segment which looks like a normal footnote reference.
Moreover, when you produce the final version of a translation, you will be shown a warning when a source segment still contains a footnote. Through the Go to next translation unit to be translated/revised command, you can go to source segments which still contain footnotes.
Note: When you copy a source segment which includes footnotes/endnotes through the Copy source text command, the footnotes/endnotes are NOT copied. When a TU with footnotes/endnotes is saved in a translation memory, the footnote/endnote references are NOT included.