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Go to Functions

The most important quality check functions are the two go-to-functions in the Navigation sub-menu: Go to next translation unit to be translated/revised, and Go to previous translation unit to be revised.

When one of these functions is executed, starting at the cursor position, each translation unit in the active document is checked to see whether it meets the quality requirements specified. While searching each area of the document is checked: main area, headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes, and text boxes. This means that if the search function runs through the whole document without stopping at any TU, you can be sure that the formal requirements specified are fulfilled in the whole document. If this is the case, a dialog box is shown informing you that no TU not meeting the formal requirements specified was found. You can then concentrate on the content and the stylistic aspects of the translation.

The go-to-function displays a TU if...

·       it does not contain a translation, and no 100% match was found in the TM.

·       it contains unedited results from a TM or TDB search

·       it contains a watch list item (if the watch list is active)

·       the number of words in the translation relative to the number of words in the source segment is lower/higher than the lower/upper limit specified (if the related options are active)

·       the number of characters in the translation relative to the number of characters in the source segment is lower/higher than the lower/upper limit specified (if the related options are active)

·       the number of numbers in the translation relative to the number of numbers in the source segment is lower/higher than the lower/upper limit specified OR the number formatting is not correct (if the related options are active)

·       (for tagged documents like HTML and XML:) the tag structure is inconsistent (tags missing, tag structure inconsistent, superfluous tag, etc.)

Whereas the watch list is a part of the Document options, the other quality check functions can be accessed via the General options dialog box. This may seem to be an inconsistency, but only on first sight. The watch list is closely related to the content of a document. Therefore, the watch list has to be saved in the document and cannot be viewed as "general".

On the other hand, the other quality check functions check purely formal aspects which, in principle, can be applied to every document (even if applying them can make more or less sense in certain cases).

All these features are explained in more detail below.