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Just Go Ahead

When you have installed MetaTexis for Word you can start translating immediately - without having to start extra programs.

You need to execute only a few steps:

1.   In Microsoft Word, open the document you want to translate.

2.   Click MetaTexis in the Word toolbar to display the menu and select the menu command: MetaTexis | File | Launch start assistant,
OR click the menu command: MetaTexis | Navigation | Open next translation unit (or press the shortcut Alt+Down, or click the  icon on the MetaTexis toolbar).

3.   A window comes up asking if you want to translate the document using MetaTexis. Click the Yes button. The MetaTexis Start Assistant window comes up. The Start Assistant takes you through the most important settings for the document.

Note: The only mandatory setting is the language information in step 2. For a start, you can skip all other settings by simply clicking on the Next button in each step. After you have chosen an action and clicked on the Finish button at the last stage, you are ready to start translating.

4.   Click Next (at the bottom) to go to the next step.

5.   At step 2, choose a source and a target language. Click Next.

6.   At step 3, some basic settings for the translation memory (TM) are displayed. By default, a translation memory is selected. (If not, or if you want to use a different TM, create a new TM, or select an existing TM.) Click Next.

7.   At step 4, some basic settings for the terminology database (TDB) are displayed. By default, a terminology database is selected. (If not, or if you want to use a different TDB, create a new TDB, or select an existing TDB.) Click Next.

8.   At step 5, you can enter personal data of the translator. Click Next.

9.   At step 6, you can decide which action should be executed after finishing the Start Assistant. You need not make any setting here. Just click Finished.

10. Now you are ready to start translating by using the MetaTexis toolbar functions or the navigation commands in the Navigation sub-menu or the corresponding shortcuts. The most important shortcuts are Alt+Down and Alt+Up. Press these shortcuts to navigate through the document. Enter the translation in the empty box below the source segment.

11. Each time an un-translated segment is opened, the TM and the TDB will be searched automatically (by default).

12. If the TM search is successful, the TUs found are shown directly in the document, below the source segment. To select a search result, place a cursor in the TU you want to select, and execute the command Select translation in the menu, or press Alt+Shift+Return, or click  on the toolbar.

For detailed instructions, see the Start Assistant.