To filter the list of users, click the Filter button. The following dialog will be displayed:
To apply the filter, enter a text string in one of the fields, then click OK. In the list of users only those users will be displayed where all strings entered have been found in the respective fields. (In other words, if you enter strings in more than one field, the individual searches will be connected with the AND operator.) For example, if you enter "John" in the Forename field, and "Good" in the Surname field, only those users will be displayed where the string "John" is part of the forename AND where the string "Good" is part of the surname (e.g. "Johnny B. Good" and "John C. Goodman" would be displayed, whereas "Johnny Handsome" or "William Good" would not).
The All fields field has a special meaning: If you enter a string in the field All fields, all user fields shown will be searched for this string, and all users will be displayed where at least one of the fields contains the string entered.